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when you don't get to see the happy ending.

It's boggling my mind, but I have been back in the USA for 3 weeks now, having traveled a bit in South Africa after leaving the ship on March 19th. During that time, I've had minimal internet and little patience for things like computers... especially since my laptop screen developed some lovely cracks in the journey back from Madagascar. But I'm back, cracked screen and all, and there are words in my fingers and conflict in my heart. I was planning to write about someone else today, but I realized something in a skype with my dear friend Naomi this week, and those are the words that are the most pressing at the moment. I wonder what percentage of movies have what is considered a "happy ending"? I'm willing to stake a bet on 80%, at the very least. I'll even wager further that it is a higher percentage among the blockbuster films. I'm not much of a movie buff... in fact, I can hardly sit through any movie longer than 120 minutes, but st...

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